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A life in words…

Whether you’re looking for the novelist, the essayist, the journalist, or just the good ol’ fashioned pain in the ass Michael DeVault, congratulations. You found me! I hope you’ll spend some time here, getting to know me and to know my work. (The blog is below, books and other links are above.)

I try to blog regularly, but I’m not always successful at it. Still, you’ll see me sound off on arts, science, religion, politics–pretty much all those things your mother said you shouldn’t talk about in polite company. Stick around and check back often. It’s a hectic life!

Zeitgeist – The Blog

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Previously on Zeitgeist…

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Thanks for visiting my little corner of the web, and check back often. I’m always going off on a rant about this or that, posting random essays and stories, and even a chapter or two of whatever my current book project happens to be. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via Facebook or Twitter.