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Author: Michael

It’s still too easy.

I thought maybe sleeping would afford me the opportunity to wake up from this nightmare that is the world around me. But it hasn’t. C’est la vie. So now we’ll talk about Grammar for a minute. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t expect every person to speak flawless English. I certainly don’t. Nor do I…
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I try so hard and they make it so easy.

I really try not to be elitist, but they make it so easy. Whom are they, you ask? They are everyone who, in the third grade, decided that they had learned everything they needed to know about life, the universe and everything, and having now opted to continue their educations, show the world everything they…
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The last days of the Roman Empire.

It is impossible for me to overstate how disappointed I am with my country, my government, and my fellow citizens. We stand at the precipice of a great and terrific future (terrific in the ACTUAL DEFINITION, not as in great), a future shrouded in mystery and wonder. Where are we going? What does it hold?…
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Genius and the Art of Symbol-Reading.

The Irony Gods have smiled on my entire life. Each morning, I awaken to a world filled with subtle bits of humor. You know the ones of which I speak. That misplaced pronoun that suddenly makes a news article that much more titilating or the Ice Cream truck driving through a business district filled with…
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The Insanity of Family.

People say that Einstein defined insanity as repeating the same actions over and over again, each time expecting a different outcome. While I may not be able to confirm the speaker, the quote rings true. Sitting here, after just agreeing to help move furniture (again) for a relative, I can’t help but think that I…
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Land of the Plenty…

…anyone who reads this blog regularly will know that I have an absolute love-hate relationship with my local Wal-M*rt. They absolutely love getting my money and I absolutely hate them for taking so much of it. Alas, aside from being an obsessive-compulsive creature of habit, I’m also someone who values being able to get everything…
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Love Diary about America’s Sweethearts With Notting Hill Girls.

Given that I am paying out the nose for a piece of art I could not live without, a really great surrealist abstractionist ode to Holocaust Memory complete with a very haunting inscription, I haven’t been indulging in two of my favorite pasttimes: drinking Irish whiskey at the pub and buying DVD’s. So tonight, I…
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Unmitigated Co-dependants.

So there I am, minding my own business, working hard and trying to get as much of the stuff from my office loaded onto the trailer as possible. Nothing is going to go wrong today–it’s only the light stuff and the stuff we never or hardly ever use. The extra table, the tool-chest, the shelves…
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Crooked Sticks and Windshear. (or, Polo sans Horse.)

Golf is either the most wonderful or the most demented sport ever invented. I can’t over-estimate how difficult it is to successfully play the game. Well, play the game may be too strong a word. Make no mistakes about it: golf is work. That’s probably why my grandfather–who golfs three times a week–doesn’t consider himself…
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Blame Assignment 101.

In Memoriam, Nick Berg I haven’t seen the video. I don’t wish to see the video. The various internet sites via which the gruesome murder of Nick Berg can be viewed all attempt to justify making the video available by way of platitudes like, “We think you should see what humanity is capable of.” Here’s…
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