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Confessions of a bibliophile.

Or: Why the hell isn’t there a Bookaholics Anonymous group? I have a secret. A dark, unspoken secret. I am an addict. My addiction is not to drugs. Cocaine will you not find in any blood panel. I enjoy a good drink, but I am not an alcoholic. I don’t even smoke very often. Yet,…
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The “N-Word”

Or: Why Samuel Clemens would pimp slap Alan Gribben. Note: This blog post will use language that some (read: Alan Gribben) might find offensivem, including frequent reference to and usage of, racial slurs. If you are offended by my use of these words in this post, please click here … and never ever come back.…
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Life Blocks

Everyone I know has been talking about Bucket Lists since the movie of the same name came out in 2007.  As if the concept of a ist of goals was new, everyone seemed to be obsessed with their own “bucket lists.” But I’ve had one for as long as I can remember, if by another name.  Bob Alexander…
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Happy New Year — and a hearty welcome to 2011.

Note: Way back in its heyday, this blog got about 400,000 independent readers and 250,000 page views a month. My resolution for this year is to write more, write often and to exceed those numbers. Wish me luck! -md January 1, 2011 I woke up this morning with a hacking cough. I guess I earned…
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NanoWriMo – A blogging vaycay

I’m taking th eMonth of November off for NanoWriMo. Please enjoy this as an alternative to my normal boring blogs: The Inevitable Life of Andrew Weid. Or, you can keep up with individual chapters below: Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 —and more to come— By all means, leave comments here. 🙂

Wal-Rant 2.0: Another day, another Wal-Mart excursion

Or: Why I won’t shop at Wal-Mart until the dictatorship changes regimes. Anyone who has been a longtime reader of this blog will know I have a long-standing love/hate relationship with Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the Svengali-esque corporation that controls 11% of the Global Domestic Product. That’s not an exaggeration, by the way, that’s according to…
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Rise of the Übermensch.

So the world is upset that Justin Bieber was caught smooching in the back of a car. Before we go any further, let’s stop for a second and weigh this. So a famous teenager gets caught making out in a Honda with a girl — and this upsets the teenie boppers everywhere. Had the Bieb…
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Thoughts on the Governor

UPDATE: 4:57 p.m. I erroneously suggested below that Mr. Rogers made claims about Jindal’s future plans beyond the Governor’s mansion. This is not the case, as Rogers made no such claim. Any such thoughts about a potential Jindal bid for the Presidency or some other high office is either speculation on my part or attributable…
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On the Merits of “Service Compris”

Or: Tip? I got your tip right here! I lunched just the other day with a friend at a local buffet that also provides a la carte service. I’ve frequented this establishment since it first opened and was, in fact, the very first paying customer through the door on the day it opened. Which is…
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An Open Letter

TO: National Pork Board 1776 NW 114th Street Des Moines, Iowa 50325 1-800-456-7675 515-223-2600 FROM:Michael DeVault RE: National Pork Board’s Cease and Desist to To Whom It May Concern: Please let this letter serve as notice of my intent to lead a national boycott of American-produced pork products. I am not a member…
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