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Category: Politics

Gulf Coast – Day One

For the next few days, I’ll be blogging live from the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, to bring a first-hand perspective from a Louisiana journalist. If you have specific questions, feel free to e-mail them to: I’ll try to update this blog at least twice a day. Day One: New Orleans, the sites, and Oyster…
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An Open Letter to Chuck Murphy, The Denver Post

In Response to this editorial. Dear Mr. Murphy, Please forgive my intrusion into your workday. I know how difficult it must be for you to answer emails from the boonies while living the Big City Life in Denver, Colorado, population, 2.5 million and change. We here in Monroe, Louisiana, population 46,500 or so, barely know…
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The Politics of Patriotism

Or: When political dissent isn’t. I read with great interest the following story on NBC with dismay. It had been linked as a headline on the Drudge Report, (yes, Liberals read Matt Drudge), and I was saddened yet again by the terrific state to which the American political discourse has sunken. There were signs comparingĂ‚…
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Bailout, Shmailout.

Or: Why the House was right to reject the $700 billion welfare bill. So let me get this straight. Congress rejects a $700 billion bailout bill and, in response, the stock market loses $1.2 TRILLION dollars? Something smells here — and it ain’t the caviar on my fancy French cheese or the better than decent…
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Let it snow?! You have GOT to be kidding me

The one day. THE ONE day I want decent weather, it snows…in Louisiana. In March. I have tickets to “The Producers” tonight, with plans to take my kid. I cannot overstate how much I love “The Producers”. It is one of my all-time favorite shows. And the kidlet even bought a new dress. Now for…
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Common Sense Justice Defenses

Or: Why the “he fucking deserved it” defense should be resurrected. Law and Order has killed the justice system. That’s the pronouncement of my good friend, Russ, when I asked him why we no longer have the “He just fucking deserved it” defense in murder and assault cases. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not prone…
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On the glaring need to increase political fiber intake

Or: Why I think modern Conservatism should be treated with a laxative. Oh dear God. If ever you wanted to know the problem with the modern ‘conservative’ ‘movement’, read the posts on my local newspaper web site. I call it the ‘conservative’ ‘movement’ because it is neither conservative nor a movement. Instead, it is a…
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Politics sans spines.

Or: Where the fuck are the balls in politics? What happened to politicians? Seriously. When Bill Clinton was running for president, he didn’t whine about all the women he had boned coming out and talking about his bad manners. No, he took it like a man! I’m sorry, I cannot vote for a single person…
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