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I’m a hippy communist bleeding-heart pinko liberal and I have a mac to prove it.

Okay, so I’m in reality fairly conservative. I’m for small government, no social welfare programs (save Student Loans which are actually an investment in future tax base) and I’m against any form of government intrusion into my diet, my habits, or my bedroom. With that said, I bought a Mac. I absolutely love it. The…
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I hate computers…and five other minirants

1.) I hate computers. Since humans discovered that the entirety of human knowledge, actions, and activities can be reduced to ones and zeros, humans have become grumpier and more stupid. And the more we rely on computers, the more complicated they become. Take today for instance, when I had to spend three hours on the…
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The Big Time

I don’t envy the people suffering through the blackout. Especially considering that I’m under not one but two deadlines. A book review for a new online magazine is wooshing by, and the deadline for the next chapter of Tuscany was on Friday. Neither are completed quite yet. So this blog will be brief. I have…
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Shameless self-promotion

Three times. That’s the number of times I threw up yesterday morning. I wouldn’t mention it, except that it corresponds to the number of times people have, in the last week, asked me to qualify for the October primary against a certain state representative. The money’s there, the people are there, but I’m not. Aparently,…
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Green Lizard Regulation

This morning, I overslept, demanding that I request an emergency ride from my grandfather. When he arrived, there was a lizard perched on his hood a la hood ornament. I laughed, thinking that he had glued a fake cameleon to his hood. It turned out to be real. Later that day, I had a conversation…
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My high school English teacher had a nifty little shorthand she used when grading our essays, the only part of which I remember was “B.S.” *BE SPECIFIC*. If you received an infamous B.S. scrawled in one of the margins, follow the arrow and you would no doubt find a sentence, phrase, or word that lacked…
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So I learned two valuable lessons today, both oddly enough are related to Pizza. First, the overhead on pizza parlors must be incredibly low. Here in Monroe, a local merchant genius has set out to sell what he calls “Take and Bake” pizzas. Now these are the same pizzas that he runs through his ovens,…
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So here I am, starting a blog. Why on earth do I need, want or otherwise think that a blog would be something worthwhile? Who knows. If you’re one of those people who have to have a reason for things, call it an exercise in self-therapy. I’m sitting in the middle of Chapter 18 on…
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